If we look at some instructions that the king of Israel was to follow in order to have a long reign over his kingdom, I think we’ll find some insight into learning for life.
“When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests, who are Levites.[19] It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the LORD his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees [20] and not consider himself better than his brothers and turn from the law to the right or to the left. Then he and his descendants will reign a long time over his kingdom in Isreal.” Deut 17:18-20
Notice that the king is supposed to write “for himself” a copy of the law, taken from a scroll of the priests. Can you imagine how much more thoroughly you would learn God’s Word if you wrote down each word? This is motivating me to
start writing out God’s word so I can meditate on it in a new way. Sometimes when we read the Bible we gloss over so much! Writing out God’s Word makes you think about it. There’s something about seeing the words written and writing them out yourself that helps make a connection to the words you’re looking at.
Then notice that the king’s copy of the law was supposed to be “with him”. In this day, it’s so easy to carry God’s Word with you. I used to keep my extra Bible in my car, but now, I have copies of the Bible on my computer and even free copies on my smart phone! We can take God’s word with us where ever we go! If you have a laptop, an ipad, or a smart phone, you have no excuse not to have God’s Word available to you at just about all times.
Finally, the king was to read God’s Word “all the days of his life”. He was to do this so that he would revere God, follow His laws, and stay humble by not considering himself better than his brothers. If he did this, God promised that he and his descendants would reign a long time over his kingdom in Israel. As mentioned previously, we have instant access to God’s Word, allowing us to read it day and night, as commanded in the book of Joshua (Joshua 1:8). But it takes discipline, and dying to what you “feel like” doing at the moment instead of doing what you know will bring life in the long run.
Now, we may not be kings or queens, but we can apply these truths to our own lives. Not only can we write down God’s Word in order to remember it and meditate on it, but we can carry His Word with us anywhere we go. And we can read in God’s Word all the days of our lives. When we do these things our family and friends will see our commitment and our love for God and decide they want what we have. They will desire to reign with Christ in His heavenly kingdom as we are doing right here on earth! They’ll see us learning and living.
So remember, as you continue to stay in God’s Word and understand more and more who He is, pass on what you’ve learned to others. Learning is contagious when you’re excited about it! We all need to learn new things to keep on living a vibrant and long life in Christ! With God and His endless personality, we will never run out of things to learn about Him through His Word.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your Word is life to me. I ask that You would continue to increase my desire to be in Your Word more and more. I want to know You better as I am in Your Word. Help me to learn to meditate on Your Word for myself and not to rely on others to feed me spiritually. As I read and learn through Your Word, I ask that You would show me how to live it out each day. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
All Scripture references are from the New International Version.
@Copyright 2011 LVC Ministries, Inc.
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