Can you imagine fulfilling God’s purpose through your life? God’s purpose is not for us to work in order to play for a few days, so that we can work in order to play for a few more days. His purpose is also not that we will satisfy our own desires. But His purpose is for man to work and to rest. God tells us in Genesis 2:15,
“The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (emphasis mine)
God does have a plan for each of us, and His plan is for us to work! Now I believe that God’s plan for us is something that we’ll enjoy, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. Work is work! But it will be a job that you will find satisfaction in. When the day is done, you know you’re doing what God has called you to do, and there’s satisfaction in that. Are you working in a job that you hate? Maybe you should spend some time asking God what He desires for you to do. What is the desire of His heart for you?
God’s purpose for you is not only that you work doing what He has designed you for, but also that you take time to rest. In the Old Testament (Exodus 31:12-17), God made a covenant with Israel that they should observe the Sabbath. The Sabbath was the first day of the week and it was a time for the Israelites to rest from their work, but it was also a time to draw closer to God. That’s the same opportunity we have when we take a break – whether the break is a 5 minute break or a 5 day vacation. We can plan time during our time off to draw closer to God so that we can know Him more.
In Mark 2:27-28, Jesus tells us, “…The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”
The day of rest was made for man, man wasn’t made for the day of rest. How was it made for man? It was made for man to draw closer to God. It wasn’t meant as a day to satisfy our own desires. Isn’t that what we tend to do on our days off? Our distorted view of “rest” is to run around from 8am until midnight until we’re totally exhausted! Have you ever gone on a vacation and needed a day of vacation afterwards just to recuperate? That’s not rest! The Sabbath is more than just rest – it is resting in the arms of a God who loves you and wants to reveal Himself to you. It’s very beneficial for us to take time to rest. We know our bodies need rest from physical labor, and our minds need rest from the stresses of the day. Perhaps we can rest best when we are connecting with God. Jesus said He is the Lord of the Sabbath, and He will give you rest. He also says,
“[28]Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. [29]Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matt 11:28-29
Dear Heavenly Father,
You have a purpose for me through my work and my rest. I ask that You would make known to me what work You would have me do that would glorify You the most. And when I’m resting from my work, I ask that You would show Yourself to me in a special way as I draw closer to You. Thank You, Lord, that You give rest for weary souls. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
All Scripture references are from the New International Version.
@Copyright 2011 LVC Ministries, Inc.
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