Monday, January 3, 2011


Here we are again, a brand new year. It’s time to fill out our resolution list for 2011! When I was younger I used to make a long list of things that I would resolve to do in the new year and after only a few weeks, I would lose the list or decide that I just couldn’t keep the promises that I had made to myself. As I got older my list got shorter and eventually I quit making a New Year’s resolution list. This year however, I have resolved to make one resolution. Only one you ask? Yes, because I realize more and more each day what is really important. Don’t get me wrong, losing weight and exercising (always at the top of my resolutions to break list) is very important, but the most important resolution for me (and if you think about it) for you too is heavenly things....not earthly things (after all this earth is not our home).

I passed a small church a few days ago and on the marquee was written “Make Jesus your resolution.” In my opinion, this is the only resolution that anyone should make and if you are a Christian, this is the only resolution that you will ever need to make. If we focus on Jesus, if we turn our total attention to Jesus all of our problems will be put into perspective. Maybe you are not like me (and I hope that you are not) because I let the little things bother me. My husband gets upset with me because I tend to dwell on “could of and should of!” I always say “why didn’t I see that coming?” Instead of taking the little things in stride and moving on, I let them drag me down and I dwell on them. When I dwell on these little things my focus is changed from Jesus to me and then Satan wins because that is exactly what he wants! If Satan can turn our thoughts from God to worldly things then he thinks that he has won and Satan only wants to make your life and my life miserable.

So, how am I going to keep this resolution? Only with the help of my friends, through prayer, through quiet time with the Lord and through Bible study. Iron sharpens iron and as Christians it is the responsibility of all of us to keep each other sharp and focused. As the body of Christ, you and I must resolve to make Jesus our one and only resolution. Satan is like a lion, roaming to and fro in this world looking for the weak sheep and he is nipping at our heels. Together, you and I through unity can stay strong, we can stay focused and we can be a witness to a lost world.

“I have given them the glory You have given Me. May they be one as We are one. 23 I am in them and You are in Me. May they be made completely one, so the world may know You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me.” John 17:22-23

Bible Verse taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible
@copyright 2010 LVC Ministries, Inc

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