Monday, May 3, 2010


I am taking classes and have been since the summer of 2007. I am so very tired of school and can’t wait to finish. Lisa and Vanessa (the other two cords) know this and at our meeting on Monday the 19th, they asked me what I had left to do for the current class that I was in. I told them that I had a really big assignment left, but I didn’t want to do it. They said, “We’ll pray for you to get it done this week and get it over with.” I told them, “don’t count on it, I still have 2 weeks before it is due.” Because they were praying, God did give me the motivation to work on and complete the assignment 2 days later, on Wednesday the 21st. I was feeling pretty proud of myself because I finished it.....a whole 2 weeks before it was due!

One week later, my husband called from work and we were talking about plans for May and I said “well, I still have 2 weeks before May” and he said....”today is the 27th, May is Saturday.” I said....”WHAT! Today is the 27th! Are you serious! I’ve got to hang-up now; I have 2 assignments due TODAY!”

Was it coincidence that Lisa and Vanessa prayed that I would work on the big assignment and get it completed the week before it was due? Was it coincidence that my husband called on the 27th, the very day the assignments were due? It still took me all day to get the small assignment done, but if I had to have done both, there is no way that I could have completed them. After, I uploaded my teacher the assignments....on time and thanked God profusely....I had time to think about what had just happened.

Is God really concerned with the small things in our life? If God had not had Lisa and Vanessa pray a week earlier, I would not have been motivated to begin and finish the big assignment. If God had not had my husband call on the 27th, neither assignment would have been turned in.....PERIOD! I completely lost a week! Satan got me off track by whispering to me “you still have 2 weeks left, don’t hurry, and don’t sweat it” But, God knew that I only had one week left! God has shown me many times that He is in my life, concerning the important big things and now I know that He is watching out for me, even with the insignificant small things.

That got me to awesome is our God and how undeserving I am! I mean, who am I when there are so many more important things going on in the world, when so many people need help with really, really big things but still He makes sure that I get homework done on time? God really meant it when He said “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV). This little episode spoke volumes to me, clearly God just said “I’ve showed you that I can take care of the little things in your trust me with the plans that I have for me in everything!” Last week my faith grew even more. Faith means trusting God in all things!

God is with you always, He is always watching out for you even when you don’t even know that you need watching out for. You’re never alone. If God is concerned with small insignificant things like school assignments.....imagine the big things that He can accomplish in you and through you!


  1. I am also a student and I know for a fact that Father God is soooooooooooooo mindful of the little things even school assignments. Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11, and Ephesians 3:20 are the verses I hold to.

    I really loved this weeks thoughts. I live in Tennessee and we have been swamped with floods and tornado's. We are safe but I did not realize how safe we were until I watched a video a friend posted. My family is alive and we have a roof over our heads along with our person items. We also have every need met so I am so grateful that Father God is mindful over the big things as well as the little things! Thanks for the insight sister!

  2. I'm posting this for Cindy as she's not able to get online at this time.

    Cindy says, "I am praying for you and your family. I am realizing more and more how many little things God does for us every day... Our God is truly an awesome God!"

  3. Like The Perfect Parent He is - Abba Father - is totally aware of the small thing.
