Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Questions on Suicide

How could someone who is a Christian commit suicide?

It’s hard to understand what’s going on in the mind of someone who is feeling so depressed and hopeless that they believe the only way out of their painful situation would be to take their own life. We expect Christians to know that they are to rely on God to help them through life’s struggles. But the truth is that everyone is in a different place in their walk with God. They may appear to be strong in some areas, but there are generally places of weakness that we all go through in our journey with God. We are continually growing as a Christian in some way, shape or form. And we will never be completed until we go to be with the Lord in heaven, or until He returns.

You might also question if this person will even go to heaven. God tells us through His word that nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39) You need to know that suicide is a sin against God. It’s taking a life, and that is wrong. God is the one who gives life, and He should be the one who takes it away in His timing. But we know that the blood of Jesus covers all of our sins for those who believe in Him.

If you are ever in the situation where you feel hopeless about your life, remember that God has a purpose for you. There is a reason God created you. And part of life is coming to understand what the purpose is that He has for you. Don’t cut your life short and miss out on the plans that God has for you.

The question for you is, “Who are you relying on to help you with your struggles?” Are you relying on a friend, on yourself or on Jesus? Because Jesus is the answer. He is the Way and the Truth and the Life. He is the one to cry out to in your struggles. Nothing is too hard for Him. He gives you the ability to do all things through Him. That means we have to rely on Him to guide us through those hard times. It’s good to have Christian friends to support you through difficult times and a Christian counselor is invaluable in situations like this. But your friends and counselors should be pointing you to Jesus, because He is the true source of your strength.

If you have never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you can do it now. It’s very easy. Just pray this prayer from your heart:

“Jesus, I know I am a sinner who needs a savior. Please forgive me for my sins. I ask you to come into my life, wash me clean and be my source of strength. I ask you to be the Lord of my life. I give my life to you to guide me in all my ways. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer, or if you have questions about Jesus, please let us know. It’s important to share your good news with other believers. It’s also important to find a bible-based church that can help you grow in Christ. This is not a journey you should go through alone. You need the Church - a family of believers to be there with you and for you as you journey through your Christian walk with Christ.


  1. Whereas, I think that everything that you said about suicide and God's love is absolutely true, it worries me that you included the sinner's prayer. What about repentance and baptism? Those are the things that truly save us, not reciting a prayer. Personally, I believe that the sinner's prayer is harmful as it gives people the idea that all they need to do is pray a prayer and they are saved. When the people asked Peter what to do in Acts, his answer gives us the formula for salvation.

    Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

  2. Thank you, Nina. I couldn't agree more that repentance and baptism are two very important steps that were left out. I appreciate you holding me accountable.

  3. Thanks for your words of comfort on a very difficult subject. I've known people who have gotten to this point and others who have had close friends or relatives who committed suicide. I think your words will minister!

    In that context I hesitate to snip at doctrine, that wasn't your central theme. But since the discussion is up I will add some thoughts.

    I think it would be more accurate and biblical to say that Jesus saves, or we're saved by the cross or sacrifice of Christ... not by a prayer or even technically by baptism. That is not to say that baptism isn't important or even essential but we really need to be careful not to sound like salvation is something that we work out on our own (this plus this equals...). Just as the sinner's prayer isn't found in scripture - neither is salvation ever described as a formula.

  4. Anonymous,
    You are absolutely correct. It is the sacrifice of Christ that saves us. I didn't explain what I meant very well, but you said it very well.
    Thanks you.
