Monday, June 7, 2010


We all know the story of Jonah from our childhood Sunday school days. Or at least we know the part about Jonah getting swallowed by a great fish. But do you remember why Jonah was swallowed by the fish?

One day, God told Jonah that He wanted him to go to the gentile city of Ninevah and tell the people there that they needed to repent of their sins or God would destroy that great city. Well, Ninevah and Israel were enemies and besides the Jews believed that God belonged to them only. Jonah was afraid that if he went to Ninevah and told them to repent, that they just might and then where would he be? In an enemy city that now believed in his God....and that just would not work. So Jonah refused to do God’s will.

Jonah figured that he knew better than God and so he turned his back on God’s command and headed in another direction. He got on a boat headed for the city of Tarshish instead and as we all know, running from God does not work. A great storm came up with the wind howling, bolts of lightening streaking through the sky and waves crashing into the ship. The captain and crew were terrified and drew lots to determine which one of them was responsible for the storm and the lot fell on Jonah. Jonah confessed to the captain and crew that he was to blame because God was mad at him. So the captain and crew threw Jonah overboard and he was swallowed by a great fish, which has been interpreted as a whale. Jonah lived in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 nights where he prayed to God to forgive him. God heard his prayers and caused the whale to vomit Jonah up on dry land. The Lord told Jonah again to go to Ninevah and this time, Jonah went without hesitation.

Realizing that he could not run, Jonah gave in to God’s will and reluctantly told the Ninevites that God was upset with them and if they didn’t repent that the whole city would be destroyed. Well, lo and behold....guess what happened? The Ninevites repented and God spared the city and everyone in it! Jonah was so upset about this that he wanted to die, so like a stubborn child he went out a little way from the city and sat on a wall, just staring at the city and thinking how mad he was that those people had the audacity to repent of their sins! No way was Jonah going to admit he was wrong and rejoice for the salvation of the there! Well, after a while it got really hot so God caused a plant to grow and shade Jonah and Jonah was grateful, but he still wasn’t going to admit he was wrong and God was right! The next day God caused a worm to eat the plant and it died, proving to Jonah (and us) that He is the provider of all things and that He is in control of all things.

Is God telling you to do something for Him? Do you know what His plan is for you, yet like Jonah you are refusing to do Gods’ will because you have your own agenda? What is holding you back from reaching your full potential? "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” Jonah 2:8 (NIV)

Jonah was the cause of his problems. How much easier would circumstances have been for him if he had just obeyed God in the first place! If you know that God is telling you to do something, don’t make excuses, do what He is asking you to do, then rejoice and give God the glory and honor for allowing you to be used by Him!

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